

Art for everyone!!!



Triangles and Hidden Name Art

01228095583a8756a3c896aa3155937e272e90d83fA great way to practice shape recognition is to practice making the shape you are studying in many different ways.  For this project the students used tape to create triangle, traced triangles with oil pastels, and glued on paper triangles.  They also had fun hiding their name and initials in the triangles they made on the paper.

0156d8d3350d94b296463ecec25ceada69c7eb03fd1.Students practiced creating triangles with tape, glued on paper triangles, and traced triangles with oil pastels.

01ec01ee473ff2335fa6c35529d0d0d093093f068f2.Then they hid their name stickers on the paper.

01228095583a8756a3c896aa3155937e272e90d83f3. Finally, they painted over the whole page with watercolor.

Adaptive Art Presentation

Click on ADAPTIVE ART  to see a power point presentation on differentiation in the art room.

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Faux Weavings

Spring landscape

Click here to view the power point presentation of SPRING LANDSCAPE

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Recycled Dogs and Cats: Students created pets with recycled cardboard

click this to see the 3d dog cat power point presentation


Landscapes for every season

Students studied the changing seasons in homeroom and created seasonal landscapes in art class.  IMG_2576

Bottle Cap Mural Completed!!!

Here is the four panel bottle cap mural. The students worked for three weeks to create this amazing underwater scene!!!

Artist Portfolios

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Here are all the contents of some of the high school artists’ portfolios before I sent them home.  The students are such unique and wonderful artists!!!

Bottle Cap Mural Day 1

Students colored with markers or glued paper onto foam board to create an underwater scene.

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